Board Members
- Chair | China
National Coordinators and Experts
- National Coordinator | China
- Chinese Academy of Forestry
Yongqi is a Research Professor/Principal Scientist and Division Director at Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry. He is the Program manager of ”The National Forest Genetic Resources Platform”. Project leader of the state priority research project ”Key Techniques for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization”.
Responsible for project preparation, proposal development, project implementation and management; providing leadership in studies of forest gentic resources and biodiversity conservation; supervision of research students working on genetic conservation projects leading to MSc and PhD degrees. Provide technical advices and policy recommendations to the national and local forestry authorities for conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources.
Recent Publications:
- Zheng Yongqi , Zhang Chuanhong et al.,2015. Studies in protection and testing of new varieties of plants. China Agriculture Press. Beijing.
- Zheng Yongqi , Zhang Chuanhon, 2014. Risk Assessment of bio-invasion of exotic tree species. Science Press, Beijing.
- Cai Guofeng, Zheng Yongqi, Wang Lianggui. Genetic Diversity of Allozyme Markers of Liquidambar formosana Hance. Forest Research. 2013, 26(1):15-20
- Zhili Suo, Chuanhong Zhang, Yongqi Zheng. Revealing genetic diversity of tree peonies at micro-evolution level with hyper-variable chloroplast markers and floral traits. Plant Cell Reports, 2012.Vol. 31(12): 2199-2213
- Zheng Yongqi (Eds.), China country report on forest genetic resources,2013,China Agriculture Press. Beijing.
- Huang Ping, Cui Yuejiao, Zheng Yognqi. Identification of rose variety and their genetic relationships. Forest. Forest Science. 2012,48(10): 55-62
- Zheng Yongqi, Hu Zenghui, Zheng Yongqi. Geographic variation of phenotypic traits of provenances of Sorbus pohuashaensis. Journal of Plant Resources and Environment. 2012, 21(3): 1-7