APFORGEN is moving forward to establish a Regional Training Centre on Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) in 2016, in response to the Global Plan of Action on Forest Genetic Resources that calls for strengthening educational and research capacities on FGR to ensure adequate technical support for related development programs (Strategic Priority 21)
Establishing the Training Centre is part of the implementation of APFORGEN's strategy for 2104 - 2016 and the work plan of its Working Group on Mobilizing Support for FGR. Members of the Working Group gathered at a Planning Workshop on 1 - 3 December 2015 in Binzhou City, China to refine plans for initiating the Training Centre.
The training centre will provide training workshops and distance learning opportunities for trainers (training of trainers), policy makers, forest managers and researchers on conservation and management of FGR. The training aims to support better integration of FGR management into relevant national and international policies, strategies and legislation, including, on climate change, forest restoration and food security and livelihoods.
Implementation of the Training Centre will start in February 2016 with a regional assessment of capacity strengthening needs related to FGR that will then inform the development of a detailed training programme.
The Training Centre initiative is spearheaded by Professor Zheng Yongqi at the Chinese Academy of Forestry who came up with the idea during development of the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources Report.
“Awareness about the importance of FGR has clearly increased in China in recent years, probably partly because of the large-scale tree planting efforts and the need for more resistant varieties. Yet, there is lack of systematic training and capacities on how to effectively conserve and manage FGR. The Regional Training Centre will allow countries to strengthen their capacities through joint training efforts, sharing experiences and good practices”, says Professor Zheng.
The Planning Workshop on the Regional Training Centre was jointly organized by APFORGEN, the National Forest Genetic Resources Platform of China, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China Happy Ecology, Bioversity International and Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions, with support from China Happy Ecology Industrial Co., Ltd. , a pioneering company in the field of ecological restoration and tree breeding for salinity resistance, erosion control and landscaping.