Regional training workshop: Assessing the availability of tree seed sources for forest and landscape restoration
The workshop equipped forestry experts in Asian countries to carry out spatial analyses on the availability of tree seed sources for native tree species.
MoreStrengthening collaborative tree seed supply systems for restoration in Asia: Inception workshop
This report documents the discussions and action points from the Inception workshop of the regional project “Strengthening collaborative tree seed supply systems for restoration in Asia”. The workshop…
MoreConserving Rosewoods: Annual workshop 2020
Working with forestry authorities and rural communities in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam, the project "Conserving Rosewood Genetic Resources for Resilient Livelihoods in Greater Mekong" uses in situ…
MoreTrainings on in situ and ex situ conservation strategies
Three national trainings on in situ and ex situ conservation strategies were organised in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam in March 2020, as part of the regional project Conserving Rosewood genetic…
MoreTraining-of-trainers on tree seed marketing in Lao PDR
A training-of-trainers workshop was organised in Lao PDR on marketing tree seed and seedlings, to support income generation from and planting of Rosewood species (Dalbergia spp.). The training was…
MoreWorkshop report: APFORGIS Results workshop
Explore the results of the regional initiative "APFORGIS: Establishing an Information System for conserving native tree species and their genetic resources in Asia-Pacific" (2017-2019) that developed distribution and threat maps for 65 native Asian tree species.
MoreWorkshop Report: Conservation priorities for Asian tree species and their genetic resources
“APFORGIS – Establishing an Information System for conserving native tree species and their genetic resources in Asia-Pacific” is a regional project aimed at addressing these gaps in knowledge and thereby supporting the conservation and restoration of socio-economically important, native Asian tree species.
MoreThe Third Regional Training on Forest Genetic Resources: Spatial approaches for assessing the status and trends of native tree species
The tools used in this training were developed as part of a Program to Strengthen Capabilities in National Plant Genetic Resources Programs in Latin America (CAPFITOGEN). The main objective of the…
MoreWorkshop Report: Conserving Rosewood genetic resources for resilient livelihoods in the Mekong
Working with forestry authorities and rural communities in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam, the Conserving Rosewood genetic resources project will use in situ and ex situ methods to safeguard the genetic resources of three Dalbergia rosewood species of high conservation concern, namely Dalbergia cochinchinensis, D. oliveri, and D. cultrata. The project will develop novel, and strengthen existing, capacity for seed collection, seed source and nursery management, and associated value chain development. The project will build the capacity of rural households to generate livelihood benefits from sustainable use of these resources. The project is funded by the UK Darwin Initiative and runs from July 2018 to March 2021. Read more from this Workshop Report of the Project's Inception Workshop, held in Vientiane, Lao PDR, in September 2018.
MoreWorkshop report: Distributions and biology of Asian tree species
This report summarizes the discussions and results of the project’s inception workshop, held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from the 17th to the 19th of April. The workshop brought together over 30 experts from 11 APFORGEN member countries and regional and international organizations. It was jointly organized by Bioversity International, APFORGEN and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).
MoreAbout us
APFORGEN is a regional programme and network with a holistic approach to the conservation and management of the Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) in the Asia-Pacific region

Useful Links
APFORGEN Secretariat
c/o Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
XiangShan Road, Dongxiaofu No.1, Haidian district,
Beijing, People's Republic of China