Early growth and genetic variation of Mahogany(swietenia macrophylla) in progeny tests planted in Northern Mindanao, Philippines

Journal of Tropical Forest Science 27(3): 314–324 (2015)

Growth rates of mahogany in the two trials in Mindanao were comparable with growth rates in trials and plantations elsewhere, for example, in Indonesia and Mexico. Growing mahogany for viable commercial investment on sites having similar quality to those represented by the two trial sites in Mindanao will require a strategy that combines good silviculture and genetic improvement. Results from the two trials also indicated a need for better understanding of the suitability of this species to varying conditions brought about by site quality, planting objectives and silvicultural management techniques and practices. The study indicated that key growth traits were under genetic control and there was scope for genetic improvement. One of the authors is APFORGEN’s national coordinator for Philippines, Prof. Enrique Tolentino Jr from University of The Philippines, Los Banos.


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APFORGEN is a regional programme and network with a holistic approach to the conservation and management of the Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) in the Asia-Pacific region


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Beijing, People's Republic of China