This was the second full APFORGEN National Coordinators meeting, which was held as a side event of the Asia Pacific Forestry Commission 21st Session in Dehradun, India in April 2006 since the Inception Workshop that was held in 2003 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to initiate APFORGEN. It was timely that this second meeting was held as changes have been evolving in the region in managing and conserving forest resources particularly pertaining to forest genetic resources (FGR). Noting the increasing awareness of countries on its importance as an essential component of sustainable forest management principles, FGR has yet to gain the recognition desired in many countries in the region. The APFORGEN initiative is a step in the right direction to constantly nurture and guide national forestry managers by promoting a network for a more coordinated approach to FGR conservation and management, both nationally and regionally.
The meeting has provided a means for participating countries to present an updated status of FGR conservation and management in addition to refining the draft APFORGEN action plan, which was derived after the inception meeting of 2003. The meeting was also convened as a forum for discussion and setting the scope for executing activities of the ITTO project PD199/03Rev. 3(F). The National Focal Points from the seven participating countries for this ITTO project, who attended the meeting, were briefed on their roles and the activities of the project.
Publisher: FRIM, Bioversity International and APAFRI
Publication Years: 2008
ISBN 13: 978-983-2181-97-2
Language: English