
REPORT: State of the World’s plants

The report provides, for the first time, a baseline assessment of our current knowledge on the diversity of plants on earth, the global threats these plants currently face, and the policies dealing…


FAO is developing a regional restoration strategy and action plan for Asia-Pacific

A high-level regional consultation was organized at the Asia-Pacific Forestry Week in February to discuss regional collaboration on forest and landscape restoration. Read about other recommendations…


Is your forest genetics research already in the global TreeGenes database?

TreeGenes database of University of California, Davis, includes information about studied tree species, publications, information on DNA extraction, genetic maps, molecular markers, ESTs, genotypic…


Got results on local adaptation in tree species?

A systematic review on local adaptation in tree species has so far yielded 4700 references from across the world. Researcher David Boshier and his co-workers are now looking for any other publications…


Utility of closely related taxa for genetic studies of adaptive variation and speciation: Current state and perspectives in plants with focus on forest tree species

Studies of adaptation and speciation have greatly benefited from rapid progress of DNA sequencing and genotyping technologies. Comparative genomics of closely related taxa has great potential to…


Estimating potential range and hence climatic adaptability in selected tree species

Estimating climatic conditions within the potential range of different species is important, as it can assist evaluating their ability to tolerate climate change. Further reading : Booth TH. 2016.…


About us

APFORGEN is a regional programme and network with a holistic approach to the conservation and management of the Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) in the Asia-Pacific region


APFORGEN Secretariat
c/o Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry
XiangShan Road, Dongxiaofu No.1, Haidian district, 
Beijing, People's Republic of China